
Saturday, March 12, 2011

2b or not 2b

In just 7 short weeks I'll be finished with school for the year.  I've been trying to decide what classes I should take next semester.  It is a choice between many evils, algebra being the largest, most diabolical evil and political science running a close second.  Algebra.  Who ever thought up such a horrible subject.  It's just ... well it's unnatural.  Letters and numbers do not add up to anything -- it's like a dog and a killer whale trying to breed.  It just ain't happenin'.  I suppose I should just get it out of the way before the stress of knowing I have to take the class builds up to mammoth proportions, but I really, really don't want to.  I've never been particularly science literate.  I am astronomically challenged in the field (hey that was pretty good, huh?  astronomically ... astronomy .. science ..haha, I kill me).  For the past year and a half I've been pulling out my Scarlet O'Hara persona when it comes to registering for the class -- why, fiddle dee dee, I can't think about that right now, I'll think about it tomorrow.  I probably won't register for it in the fall either.  I have a Spanish class to take and I can only handle one difficult one at a time.  So, Spanish and 3 cushy English classes .. that'll do ;)

I wonder if the college would accept this reasoning for not taking algebra...

A math atheist ... I like it. 
My advisor will love it


Judge Pau said...

Well whatdayya know... your blog is more update then mine !

Oh come on algebra is a lot more fun that political science... least you got calculator to take of the heat !

Me ? Am not worried. It's not the subjects. It's you. Nothing's bigger than you.
*after 5 minutes*
I mean life wise... attitude wise... cha..character...

Missed you so much !
*kiss the awkwardness away*

oOO and this is Boot.

Self Sagacity said...

wish I was in college again, but with no jobs. I loved Algebra! Good luck.

Divine Chaos said...

Thanks! I decided to hold off on the algebra class again LOL. Wish I could do it with no jobs too! I've got 2 jobs and a daughter ..and 15 hours this semester. Shoot me now lol